ਸੰਤ ਕਾ ਮਾਰਗੁ ਧਰਮ ਕੀ ਪਉੜੀ ਕੋ ਵਡਭਾਗੀ ਪਾਏ ||
The path of the Saints, the ladder of righteous living, is found by blessed ones!
With the grace of Waheguru, serving the Sikh Panth since 1955 with one Aim: Rekindling the Sikh Spirit in every heart and bringing the pristine Khalsa Glory to the Khalsa Panth!
Prominent world wide for its historic role of pioneering the International Sikh Youth Camping Movement, International Institute of Gurmat Studies, Inc. (IIGS or popularly known as IGS) is a non-profit and non-political Sikh organization.
When one mentions IIGS, one generally talks about the melodious Kirtan, Gurmat Vichar, Naam Simran or meditation sessions, learning about Sikh Faith, History and Culture, Interactive sessions, D.O.S.T (Discussion of Sikh Things) Sessions, Gurmat Schools, Kesh Darshan Parade, International Youth Camps all around the world and events like Darbar-E-Khalsa. Did You Know: Over the past 6+ decades, IIGS has been involved in many projects and activities around the world. To name a few:
* Gurbani Researcher
* Multimedia to Teach Gurmukhi
* Digitization of Scriptural literature
* Microfilming of Manuscripts
* 'The Sikh Portrait: Monthly Journal
* Weekend Schools
* Amrit Sanchars
* Bi-monthly Kirtan Dewans
* Train the Trainer workshops
* Scholarships
* Camps for Families, young couples,
Mothers including Sindhi Mothers
* IGS Calling: Ik Maksad-TV Series
* World-wide Kirtan Tours
* IIGS Calling: A You Tube Channel
* Helping the 1984 victims
* Interfaith Dialogue
* Get to Know Sikhs campaign
* Work with law enforcement agencies
* Reach out program to Schools and universities
* Publications in English, Punjabi and Thai
* Thai Gutka
* Romanization and Transliteration of Gurbani
* Sikh Personality Development Workshops
* Leadership Training
* Charity Events Like Golf Tournaments
* Gurmat Workshops
* Picnics and Fairs
* Kirtan CDs
Get to know IIGS and Join the Movement!!!